Augmented reality+Doceri, the teacher by your side

Last week I tried using "Aurasma" in the iPads. Aurasma is an augmented reality app that uses a trigger image to show a 3d object, video or whatever you want to appear. My goal was to make a worksheet alive. As we work in a bilingual setting and we teach math in spanish, explanations are very visual but not all the students pick it up at the beginning. Some of them need further explanation, of course , whether it is their mother language or not. But I was thinking about homework and that moment when you are trying to recall an explanation but you do not remember exactly what the teacher said. And here is when the "virtual teacher" in a form of video appears when you put the iPad over the worksheet. 

The application could seem very complicated , but in fact, it was easy to deal with since it guides you al l the time. You can create use one aura form the database, but I created my own one.

I first did a video using "Doceri" explaining the concept of "Rounding" in spanish. That is the "aura".

After that , I created the worksheet, that is , the trigger image.

And that's it! Students just put their iPad on top of the page and the video shows up. You had to see the look in their faces, they were so surprised... 
If you want the students to be able to see it in their iPads, the aura has to be public, otherwise, you have to log into your account.

I am very happy with the result and it proves one more time that technology will not replace the teacher, but as teachers we have the opportunity to use the technology to empower our students and to multiply and spread our lessons in a mobile world.


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