
Showing posts with the label Fieldtrips


Image En la wiki podeis ver las fotos de lo que hemos hecho hoy en eco-school. It's been another great day! A big grand applause students for you and Alice, our artist today that showed us how to plan and organize our drawings in terms of space, proportion, perspective, light and shadow. We have learnt a lot today and the result is just impressive, WOW! You can see more pics in the wiki and comment about your day. The story of the water in Calgary has also been so interesting, indeed, a NICE day!


A todas las madres voluntarias: Muchas gracias por compartir vuestro tiempo ayer con nosotros  en el Centro Telus Spark! Thank you so much for the gift of your time yesterday...You helped to make our fieldtrip to Telus Spark Centre a great success! Muchisimas gracias! la clase de la Sra. Molina

Field trip

El próximo 25 de Octubre tenemos nuestra primera visita, será a la orquesta Filarmónica de Calgary, será una experiencia inolvidable!!