How my students use Evernote in the classroom for digital portfolios
In the middle of the frenetic report card period, I had an a-ha moment today and I just had to share it. Every end of the week I usually create a big paper chart with assignments due and students' names so that they can check them off when they are done. That is nothing new, I know, but here comes Evernote and it's magic checklists. I created a basic checklist with students' names and four basic tasks , that I change depending on what I am doing. Today was just one of those busy days with a trillion tasks to finish and that every student is at a different stage. One of those days that they come to you to ask what's next at least three times because they have to finish little activities that are done in minutes. So I gathered them up, opened on of my class checklists on Evernote, changed the headings for my tasks at hand, and ask the students to make a checkmark every time they finished a task using my funny hand(which they love to play with). It was like magic words...